We create places,
spaces, and objects
that nourish sensory perception
and encourage play and exploration.
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Featured Projects
Looping Landscape Kindergarten
A welcoming and exciting place for learning, playing, social interaction and well-being.
From Within Pavilion
A place for a unique on-site experience exploring materiality, light and colour.
Light Rays Little Dance Pavilion
A gathering yet intimate space that celebrates light reflections and movement.
High Chair 4
A versatile and functional object, with an elegant and simple design.
Types of Spaces is a practice that integrates architecture, design, and art.
We aim to create environments that are engaging and stimulate our mind and body.
Learn more about our approach →
How can architecture enhance learning experiences? A Case of Study for a Kindergarten
We use this pilot project to represent how we can create a place that generates phycological well-being and fosters children’s learning.
Types of Spaces is an architecture and design practice founded and led by Adelais Parera currently based in Barcelona.