Design for the Senses

Design for the Senses

We design spaces that stimulate our senses, with attention to aesthetics.

Sensory input plays an important role in shaping our brain. We develop an understanding of ourselves and the world through the senses, in a constant process of exchange and exploration.

The design of spaces can influence our senses and therefore our brain.

We design with a focus on the experiential qualities of the space, with the consideration that we have multiple senses and that they are interrelated.

Key aspects of our design approach include looking at:

  • The qualities and different uses of materials (patterns, textures, colours, light effects, smells, sounds)

  • Changes of light and topography

  • Spatial navigation

  • Sounds and fragrances within the place

  • Each surface (walls, floors, ceilings) as an opportunity for exploration

More about our Approach to Design

Design using

We combine our own intuition, experience, and creativity with neuroscience research in relation to design and architecture.

See some aspects that can influence us positively


Design with
Children in Mind

When designing spaces and objects where young children are direct or indirect users, we design with sensitivity towards them to support and nourish their development.

Learn more about why this
is relevant


Design with
Attention to Detail

We are meticulous and we design with attention to detail, with a focus to achieve a sense of good quality as a whole.

Find out more about how
we work